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Author Topic: African Requirements for K.E.  (Read 3448 times)

Offline longbowman

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African Requirements for K.E.
« on: August 05, 2005, 10:58:00 AM »
I was just wondering how the Trad guys are getting away with the requirements that Africa has on minimum K.E. for the bows for the large animals.  With an 850 gr. arrow you need to be shooting 185 f.p.s. to get the mandatory 65# K.E.

Now my bows shoot a fast arrow but that's smokin for 850 grains!  I know you could always sign a paper saying you do it but I was just wondering.

Offline Snakeeater

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2005, 04:32:00 PM »
From what folks have said on here each outfitter handles that themselves. They understand what it takes and will give you the guidance you need.
Larry Schwartz, Annapolis, Maryland

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Online Ryan Rothhaar

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2005, 09:04:00 AM »
I've asked the same question too of folks that have been there and mostly get the "wink and a nod" type answer.  I know in Moz, where alot of the buffalo hunting is done, there aren't any restrictions.  I THINK, but I'm not sure, that in RSA on private land the restrictions don't apply, but I may be wrong on this.  If this is the case then much (or all) of the RSA bowhunting ranches would be exempt.

Just one more reason to go to Oz for your buffalo!


Offline longbowman

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2005, 02:26:00 PM »
Thanks Ryan, I would be willing to bet once the fees have been paid the "wink & nod" come into play a lot.  I just finished up some new arrows with the 200 Gr. Ace heads.  They are laminated Birch and all dressed up weigh in at 813 grains.  Out of my 77# Recurve they fly 177 f.p.s, out of my 80# longbow they fly 170 f.p.s. and that's all there is!  I know they hit like a ton of bricks though.

Offline T-Bell

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2005, 05:59:00 PM »

My setup in 04 was a 58# Bighorn recurve and 700gr hickory arrows with Zwickey and Magnus 2 blades. I dont know the speed or KE but they were more than adequate in the penetration department. As you put it "they hit like a ton of bricks"

Pass thru on Zebra, Impala and Red Hartebeast. Excellant penetration on Large Cape Eland with double lung and broadhead lodging in opposite sholder.

Accurate shot placement is the key in my opnion.

I am going back in 07 and plan to use the same setup and/or my 57# longbow with 700gr hickory arrows.


Oh, So thats where I was lookin

Offline O.L. Adcock

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2005, 06:55:00 PM »
Longbowman, It would take a very good 85+# bow to get those numbers at 28"......O.L.
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Offline Joseph

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2005, 01:06:00 PM »
My bow that I used on my trip I just returned from was 64# @ 29".  It shoots a 720 grain arrow 186 fps.  The arrows I used while there were 671 to 800 grains.  I shot a Zebra, Kudu, Nyala, Eland, Red Hartebeest, and Impala.  On the Nyala, Kudu, and Impala the arrows blew through the animals and kept right on Going.  On the Kudu and Zebra the arrows were hanging out of the off side by the feathers.  The Eland was the only animal that the arrow didn't at least come out of the oppisite side.  The arrow did go through the meaty part of the shoulder in front of the crease, through the chest cavity and heart, out the chest cavity on the oppisite side and into the off side shoulder.  Thats good enough for me.  All but the Eland where shot with a Zephyr Sausquatch that is 1 9/16th inches wide.  The broadhead I shot the Eland with was a hand forged Damascus steel trade point that is shaped like a Journeyman and 1 1/8th inches wide.
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Offline 8th Dwarf

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2005, 01:58:00 PM »
"Connecticut" energy be damned!!!  It's just High Techie talk.  Use your common sense.  Don't use less than 900 grains on Buffalo.  Too many things can go wrong with lighter arrows.

I just returned from RSA yesterday and took a huge Cape Buffalo there last week.  Total arrow weight was 950 grains.  I used a Whispering Wind Diamond Wood shaft and a 125 grain Magnus head.  I broke a rib going in and then broke a rib on the off side.  This is SHATTERED ribs, not just cut.  The bull went 50 yards and fell over dead.

My bow was a 74# Morrison recurve.  Did I figure out "Connecticut" energy?  No way!  Who needs to?  I knew it would do the job.  Just use common sense and ask those who have already done it.  I used the same basic rig (different bow, but the same weight) to take a big Water Buff in June.  Went in through a rib and stuck in one on the off side.

DON'T TAKE ANY SHOT BUT PERFECTLY BROADSIDE!!!  A guartering shot will often impede penetration.  My Magnus heads, with rounded points, were completely undamaged.  Need I say more?

Too Short
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Offline Keener

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2005, 02:14:00 PM »
Too Short wrote:
"Need I say more?"

Well, you could say something like, "Pics to follow!!"

Online Ryan Rothhaar

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2005, 03:33:00 PM »
Hey you Dwarf, how are things going....must be OK, one more buff on the ground and the Dwarf is still kicking!

I think he was asking about "Conneticut Energy" LEGAL REQUIREMENTS, not what is needed to kill game.  You know, those neat little tables the Game Departments put out in various African countries for "Mandatory Required K.E. for hunting game".  In other words, how does a traditional bowhunter meet those legal requirements with trad equipment.

Send me a pic of your buffalo!  (even if your ugly mug is in the pic!)



Offline Brute killer

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2005, 08:22:00 PM »
Ditto Keener. Congrats on the buff, Paul.
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Offline 8th Dwarf

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2005, 07:27:00 PM »
I tried the directions and I still can't figure out how to post the photos!  Gawd, I hate technology!

Too Short
Too Short  or Too F. Short

Offline Don Thomas

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2005, 12:32:00 PM »
Agree with Paul. First, the KE requirements are ridiculous. Second, good PH's are smart enough to know that. On a dozen trips to Africa I have never had the subject come up, except on one exploratory trip when my #72 recurve sent an arrow all the way through a gemsbok and the PH commented later that the bow was probably illegal. He was laughing at the time. Shot placement is everything, as we have learned in spades on Australian buffalo... a topic for another discussion. Don't sacrifice accuracy for KE... whatever that is. Paul: been trying to reach you. Drop me a line at [email protected] before I head back to the bush! Don

Offline Rick McGowan

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2005, 02:32:00 PM »
KE is useless for determining how well an arrow will do on an animal. Shot placement is extremely important on animals like the Aussie buff, but it needs to be with the right arrow. Shooting a 90# bow won't help if you can't put the arrow in the right place. Still the heavier bow and arrow combination that you can shoot accurately the better off you will be.

Offline The Dutchman

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2005, 02:25:00 PM »
Hi guys, cape buff. have over lapping rib bones and can be a hassel. but with 65 # bow and 900 gr arrows you shouldend have a problem, most game ranches would recocnise this.
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Offline 8th Dwarf

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2005, 11:32:00 PM »
HAWGWASH!!!!!!!!!!  Cape Buffalo DO NOT have overlapping ribs!  I was told the same foolishness and that's what it was...foolishness!

I took a good long look at the carcase of mine when it was hanging in the cool room.  There is about an inch of space between ribs.  

I disagree on the 65 pound bow.  Who makes it?  How fast is it.  You can take one 65# bow and shoot a 900 grain arrow at 150 fps.  Another 65# bow may shoot the same arrow at 130 fps!  

I found that all the bows I tested were right around 155-160 fps with a 950 grain arrow.  The 85 pound bow was only 3 fps faster than the 74# bow.  Well, that's a no brainer.  The 74# bow is my every day bow and much easier to shoot...therefore more likely to have pin point accuracy.


Too F. Short
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Offline longbowman

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Re: African Requirements for K.E.
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2005, 11:33:00 AM »
Hey 8th,  What make of bow are you shooting these days.  It loks like your cousins (the Wensels) are shooting Morrison's, do you guys keep it all in the family or are you the renegade?

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