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Author Topic: hunting fort stewart hogs  (Read 6216 times)

Offline Chris Surtees

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2006, 10:03:00 AM »
Well if y'all want to come and hunting Benning I would be more than happy to sponser you. I believe I can sponsor up to 5 people.

If any of you are DOD, reitred, or active you can get a post permit.

The hogs are out of control here. 2 years ago I could hunt in about half of my deer stands without seeing even a sign of hogs. Now they are everywhere. It is so bad that our hunting committee opened hogs up year round with muzzleloader except turkey season. Next year it is going to be year around with shotguns/slugs except Turkey season.

Now there is a plan to allow hogs to be run with dogs. This year there is going to be a 3 month trail period. All we are trying to do is figure out which dogs can not be on Benning. Our CG has banned most the so called violent dogs...pits, rots, dobies, and some ours I can not remember.


Offline Chris Surtees

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2006, 10:12:00 AM »

I do a lot of bowhunting down in that area for deer since post has been closed on that end. Now the proachers and tresspassers can not get in. There are a lot of hogs in that area but they are mostly targets of oppurtunity for me.

I beleive those areas are the A's North and West of Sightseeing and Sunhine. To the Souht is the B's and now DD's.

Benning traded that land with the city. It used to be their own little private hunting club for the city officials. They have been killing some really big deer in there the last couple of years. Of course plenty of hogs to be had by everyone.

Right now the count for my hunting group is up around a 100 hogs since the end of deer season. I have slowed down as I can not find anyone to take then anymore, and my freezer is filled to the rim with meat. I am waiting for people to start asking for them again.


Offline mikeschwister

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2006, 01:49:00 PM »

I am a retired army.  What areas do you suggest, and how does a couple retirees get on base to hunt?  My Fort Stewart hunting buddy is also retired and we are planning a hunt in early june.  Stewart has gotten real tough, we have not killed a hog there in 4 years (at one time in early 99 we had 13 straight outings swith kills!)


Offline Chris Surtees

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2006, 02:33:00 PM »

You need to goto the Outdoor Rec Center or Uchee Creek lodge to register. Here is the website so you can check out what Benning has to offer.

Being with you your Hunting Lic., Hunter safety card, Mil ID, and vehicle registation/insurance.

I beleive it will cost your around $22.00 to hunt/fish for the year.

Most areas hold hogs, but the O's 5-7, any K along a creek, A-9/11, A-15/17, all area's along Hollis Branch Creek, and the Upatoi. To be really I can go on and on with area's we hunt hogs in. If there is blue on the map we hunt it.

This year we have gone as far as going blind into area's and have been about a 75% or better on finding hogs and about 50% on killing one. That is with a bow. My gun hunting buddies are running 100% kills when they find them.

When you plan to come down give me a shout and I can put you into an area based on what is open on post, and what we have been seeing.

Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2006, 02:12:00 PM »
RC, same here. Our schedules sound reversed, though...we ought to try to find a way to do it..I am sure it would be a blast.
“Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline MWhitehair

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2006, 07:27:00 PM »
Hey, Im sorry it took me so long to get on this thread...lacrosse practice and turkey scouting...

I got back from Ft. Stewart on Feb. 11th. We hunted B and F units and saw a ton of hogs. The F unit was littered with hog tracks, BIG hog tracks. Drive down the dirt roads and you'll see tons of tracks. The palmettos are where they like it...I guess thats kinda a givin' though.

In F unit, If you can find the food plot (maps on the website) you are set. I'll try to get the link to you...We have a friend down there (Chad) who has killed 30+ hogs(some over 300 pounds) since November, so its still hot

Warning- Ft. Stewart hogs are onery! In four days we got charged twice! Chad has gottten charged a 13 be careful.

Good luck and I try to get one here as much as possible...If I can dig up the topo maps I'll send one your way...
Matt Whitehair
"'Traditional Archer' is not a term to be taken lightly. It demands respect for ethics, high standards, and an overall, instinctive love for the sport."
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Offline snakewood3

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2006, 05:48:00 AM »
"30+ hogs since Nov." is that with a tradbow ?
U.S. Navy Seabees '79 - '86
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Offline MWhitehair

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2006, 06:04:00 AM »
No, sorry about that. He hunts alot with his .40 S&W pistol (He just got back from Iraq), so his shots are usually very close. The one I killed (Again, not tradbow) was at, literally, 15 feet so hunting with stickbows should be no problem. I carried my longbow most of the time I was down there, I just never got the shot I needed. Again, Im sorry if I misled anyone. My only point is there are a ton of hogs on Ft. Stewart and they are very "huntable"

Sorry about the confusion...
Matt Whitehair
"'Traditional Archer' is not a term to be taken lightly. It demands respect for ethics, high standards, and an overall, instinctive love for the sport."
-Jim Chinn

Offline BillyBobHowdieVern

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2006, 06:44:00 AM »
sounds like a few of us need to hook up and hunt either stewart or benning after turkey season


Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2006, 04:15:00 PM »

 hogs are mostly nocturnal cause thats what they are..but that doesnt mean they don't move in daytime- they usually move better in the afternoon than the morning, and lay up during the daylight hours in palmettos especially when its hot- in reedy beds off the ends of little humps in the swamps during the winter months..but you can definitely kill pigs during the day.

Get a puffer bottle- keep it filled with corn starch. Use it like you were out west elk hunting- constantly check the wind with that puffer- and move with the wind in your face all day long if you have to change directions 50 times do it. Work cross wind at worst, going through the palmettos in the middle part of the day and you WILL push hogs up if they arent up cold months they will usually be moving around during the middle of the day staying warm and getting the summer...they lay up a lot when its really boiling but you can walk up on them- when they jump out of their beds its usually to go about 10-15 yrds and stop- checking over their shoulder to try to detect movement. Let's face it- if you are 10-20 yards away and can't see them, its pretty likely they don't SEE you either- they're just reacting to your movement- they do the same thing with other pigs- you watch- if a big boar walks in amongst a sounder of pigs they will all move away from that boar pretty quick- respectful don't you know...trying not to get their butts kicked- they'll do the same for you...I always give them a little reassurance grunt or two...low, not deep but out of your throat like a little make em feel safe. They usually settle right back down.

Use a partner or more than one- spread out about 50-80 feet apart and alternately walk ahead, then stop- then another walks ahead- then stops- if you jump one up there's a 50/50 shot it will move toward you or the other any rate, we have had excellent luck using this technique and I killed at least 50 hogs at Stewart with that.

If it were me, I would get there at daylight to my area, and ride the roads till I found fresh tracks crossing INTO your area. I'd park right there and get after them! Chances are you will hear them raising a ruckus ahead of you, and move in quick with the wind...its not rocket science...just move their bodies, when they move, you move. When they stop- you better be still!

Move in as quickly as is prudent and get your shot off...the longer you mess around the more the wind will give you away..that flat ground has swirling winds all year round..if you dont like the way its blowing now wait five minutes it will switch on you.

I think it boils down to confidence...if you THINK you are going to have good luck, and know WHAT to do, you are obviously going to be more successful than when you are unsure of what to do in a given situation, and that only comes from experience. Hogs, deer, turkeys, bears- it doesnt matter what species- the more time you spend getting after them the more "luck " you will have.

But its all FUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      :bigsmyl:
“Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline snakewood3

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2006, 09:42:00 PM »
Ray, All very good points,thanks for the tips.I want it to be understood that all I've been try ing to do is provide up to date info..As Mike has pointed out things have changed recently that make it more difficult.As I have stated there are still gobs of hogs on Ft. Stewart.MWhitehair post seems rather irrevalant to this forum as he was hunting with firearms,although he carried a bow.He did have the good manners to come clean on it though, and that is to be admired.Taking a hog with a modern pistol is just a whole 'nother ballgame.I would enjoy hunting with any of you guys, Best Regards, Chuck Sinclair
U.S. Navy Seabees '79 - '86
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Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2006, 10:28:00 AM »
"I would enjoy hunting with any of you guys"

Same here, Chuck!
“Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline BillyBobHowdieVern

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #32 on: March 10, 2006, 07:48:00 PM »
guys i was set to go to stewart then last thursday my truck blew an injector in alexander city al. while i was on a run. well after 1 injector and an oil rail they now tell me i have 2 more bad injectors and it wont be done till one day next week so if we can hunt stewart it will have to be after turkey season for me as these repairs and all the down time have taken all my spare cash. but after turkey time i should be good to go. let me hear what ya'll think


Offline snakewood3

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #33 on: March 10, 2006, 09:02:00 PM »
John, just give me a little heads-up and I would be glad to hunt with ya'...Good luck with the truck repairs.....Chuck Sinclair
U.S. Navy Seabees '79 - '86
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Offline BillyBobHowdieVern

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #34 on: March 10, 2006, 09:17:00 PM »
thanks chuck the dealer seems to fix one thing at a time its really killing me mentally right now but God will provide. i should be good to go after turkey season and we will at least loose some arrows and have a blast


Offline carterT

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #35 on: March 10, 2006, 10:26:00 PM »
John T. Keep the faith buddy.I know how it is.Last year turkey flew up busted both windows in my truck,no problem.They said I could get it fixed the next morning.Well, I stop at store down the road to get fuel on my way,get my new glass in,pull one load and what do you know injector goes out.Water in the fuel.Getto the shop and the guys busy.So i replace the injector myself.He was nice enough to let me use his shop.Would be glad to shoot a pig with you after turkey season.GOD BLESS  Tony

Offline ky_longbow

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #36 on: March 11, 2006, 04:22:00 AM »
man it would be nice if a couple of KY boys could get thrown in this mix-----  :archer:
if your not living on the edge,your taking up too much room!!

Offline BillyBobHowdieVern

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #37 on: March 11, 2006, 07:36:00 AM »
thanks tony i know it will be better and there is a reason for every thing ky-longbow as far as im concerned when this thing goes down everyone is welcome


Offline BillyBobHowdieVern

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2006, 06:42:00 PM »
ok guys finnaly got my truck back so if anyone wants to hunt hogs after turkey season lets get to planning


Offline Kevin Lawler

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Re: hunting fort stewart hogs
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2006, 09:07:00 PM »
I'm going in early June.

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