what you have is fine, dont wory about penetration on the bear, just hit the right spot, their hide is much thiner than a moose and the bone structure is not quite as stiff, they have alot of muscle but a sharp head and true flyin arow knows what to do with that.
for the moose i would say you are right at the bottom of what i would use, maybe try to find a little skinyer long 2blade, if you center punch a rib you may not get in, make shure it is broadside or ,some may argue, a good quarter away so you can go behind the ribs completely.
i also shoot a 63lb at 28 adcock but i pull 30.5 i havnt shot it long and it is 5 lbs heavyer than what i used to shoot, it will mess with your form if you over do it. 2011 is a ways off so you could work into it if you shoulder holds up, just think quality over quantaty, if you find yourself tired and falling apart Stop shooting and start fresh the next day.