Any one here know who Billy Baker was?
If not, check out the Australian Bowhunter's Hall of Fame.
I remember one hunt with Bill and his mate Brad Kane deep in the Idaho back country. We had a bit of, shall we say, "an adventure," and that got Brad and Bill to telling stories around the campfire about bad things happening in the Outback.
Well, in one of the tales, seems Bill was hunting the tall grass with two mates, one of whom was a rather large, strong, kill-you-in-a-bar-fight type of guy.
So, said guy shoots a boar, follows it into the "LONG GRASS" to finish it off. Trouble is, the boar has already laid his trap. He hit the guy, knocks him flat, and proceeds to rip the ____ out of his adversary.
Long story short, one long, sharp tusk slices the scrotum wide open and "the boys" come falling out. They are still attached, just hanging free, if you know what I mean.
So, Billy and his friend save the day, save the bowhunter, and get him back to the Ute. Off they go, toward the hospital, several hours away on dirt roads.
Aussies to the core, the two un-injured Aussies try to comfort their, shall we say, "rather large mate," who is cradling "the boys" in his hands as they bump over the rough Outback dirt road toward the hospital.
They are joking, as only Aussies can, about the dire straights, and how funny that is, that their mate is in. If you could joke about one of your best friends getting his jewels ripped wide open, you can imagine how much fun that could be!
Well, about a half hour into the drive, their mate, who, as I mentioned before, is a kill-you-in-a-bar-fight type of guy, quietly tells them basically, and if I can remember Billy's words:
" you mates had best shut the F--- up."
Dead silence all the way from there to the hospital, where, I am happy to report, the boys were happily restored to their rightful place.
Their mate, however, would be mortified by how hard Brad and Bill were laughing while they told this story, high up in the Rocky Mountains in the deep and steep Idaho elk country.
Yeah, I admit it, I was laughing too. Or, as they say in Oz, "Laughing me arse off!
Big boars, dangerous? Nah, they are as tame as kittens!
(I only hope I have that same view as I return from a full month of hunting The Cape this July.)