NOW is your chance...to REALLY give something back....not only to Trad Bowhuning, but to yourself.
TradGang would like to preserve some very special stories. Stories from a life long Trad Bowhunter with a spectacular perspective of the hunt, and a way with words....and we need your support to do so.
The original story teller of TradGang is going to do a book......Mr. Charlie Lamb.
Many of you have read Charlie's stories here, heard some told on 'The Bowhunters of TradGang' DVD, but there's a lot of stories beyond those.....and there will be some of those unique hunts in the book also. For those of you that haven't been here that long...you've missed a bunch from Charlie...so now is your chance to understand why we need to do this.
Charlie has stuff compiled at this point, and all we need to do is pre-sell enough to get this done. I hope we can pull this off....cause our lifestyle is truly deserving of such.
No need at this point for me to stand on ceremony, or romance this plea....let's just get it done shall we????
There are two ways to help out...both get YOU a book.
#1 - $35 will get a copy sent to you. And, with your name added to the book in the section of Contributors.
#2 - $100 will also get a copy sent to you with your name added to the Contributor section, but your copy will be PERSONALLY signed, meaning a personal note to you signed by Charlie....not just a signature.
So, make sure you contact all your friends....tweet, text, flicker....what ever it takes...
Just Click the link below to order....Check - Money Order - Credit Card - Paypal...
Book by Charlie Lamb - Click Here