Dang it Ken, quit stalking me! I was trying to not feel "dirty" about this! As if this wasn't a cool enough deal, below is a copy of an email I received from the seller after asking if he knew any history on the bow. I figured it was probably just an estate auction or yard sale deal, but found out quite the opposite. The fellow is off a few years on the date the bow was acquired, but the rest is very interesting. It also helps explain why it was a special order. Again, I can't claim anything but being in the right place at the right time. Below is my inquiry and his reply:
Hi, I got the bow, it arrived in fine shape.Just wondering if you knew any history on it, where it came from, or who owned it. Thanks, Cameron
Hi Cameron,
Yes, the bow was a one owner, it belonged to Charlie Hocknell, who personally knew Fred Bear and was a shooter rep for the Bear Co. This bow
was one of the first (around 1957) that he acquired from Bear as a rep,later on after getting more bows, he turned it into his primary hunting bow.Back in 1958, when I was 13 years old, Charlie and his wife Angie took me along with them to the NFAA nationals at Grayling, Michigan, what a great experience that was, it was the largest NFAA tournament ever with 1402
shooters.I wish you luck with the bow, do you plan to use it as is or refinish it?