Hilbres were first produced in 1954, when the "barbed" Hilbre came out. Then in 1957 the ferrule was changed to give the "semibarbed" Hilbre, which also got a bleeder in 1959.
The "barbless" or "Super Hilbre" with sloped shoulder ferrule was made since 1966. There is also a BIG version of the Super Hilbre.
They were made in Chatham, New Jersey. Stockfleth was holding the Patent for making the Hilbres: 2816766
I always liked the Hilbres for eye appeal, especially the barbed Hilbre, who is one of my favorites.
from left to right: 1954 barbed, 1957 semibarbed-2, 1959 semibarbed-4, 1966 barbless, 1966 barbless, big