Daryl, That is the one! One beautiful bow and right on about the quiver aboard... quit teasing about the orange barred rest...right down to the string and colors...that is a set-up!
Doc is I'm afraid to look what you post in that I just can't believe how some of those bows look after you get one in posession to work on, the one you did up for Frank was unbelievable...
I really never took the time to look closely at these models but the woods are incredible and the lines are so nice, I loved that rosewood and strip of purpleheart together...good thing you took that pic down or I think I may have gone crazy.
Tim, thanks for your pics, you can really see the shape of the longer models and differences...the wood tones I think are what also drew me in...placement and color choices....(looking forward to seeing a pic of your when you re-finish it too) if you mean the one posted, that looks good as is to me anyway
I don't know what I like more in the woods but that 55 sure is a beautiful piece...wow!
This has really helped alot and so much appreciate the pics.
When I finish up on my stuff, I will be looking into things more as I can....again thanks for all the helpful ideas and pics.