As for the tips.I would use a drum sander or belt sander and just grind those tips both off.Takeing note to be careful if you have not done this operation before leave about the last layer and hand sand it down to bare fiberglass.One thing on the razor blade Bj said if someone shot a litte super glue under the tip overlay,and then you put presure on it with razor blade,or pocket knife blade...not all the time but if the S-G has been used,that overlay will pull fiberglass off right at the string nocs on the backing.danger danger.The sander works great super fast,just be careful.I know antler looks great on bow tips...But antler will keep shrinking,it's kinda funny that way as it really never stops ageing....But knife makers use it,by getting the handle on the knife and soak the antler with super glue to fill the pours and stop the ageing process.So if you like antler just give it a couple coating of S-G and it should be OK..I personaly really like the look of black fiberglass with hardrock maple tip overlays..ever seen one of the factory 1955 1956 or 1957 Kodiaks with black paper and hardrock maple tip overlays? They look pretty sharp..Nice grip...bowdoc