I have the same set up as Tony, a separate checking account tied to my PayPal account. I transfer funds in as needed only. I have filed disputes thru PayPal and though it is a tedious process it seems to get the seller's attention and response. I don't know if I would make a major purchase, say over $500, on E8ay, without using PayPal. Unless I knew the seller of course.
When you are thinking about bidding on a bow, you can look and see the sellers history of completed auctions over the last 30 days. But also I would recommend looking at the seller's bidding history as well. You may find the seller has recently bought the item, found it flawed, damaged, undesirable, whatever and it trying to get rid of it and recoup the money. It goes without saying that you would go through the seller's feedback and ask specific questions, especially regarding a return option. For bows I always want to know about holes drilled, filled and unfilled, limb twist, cracks, repairs, stamps (22,star,etc), shootability and like I said, I want to know if I can return it in the first 3 days. I have no problem paying for shipping to return an item as long as the seller is working with me.
Bowdoc and Droptine have both helped me out over the years when I have acquired pieces that needed serious repairs and refinishing, thanks again guys.