I have to check the bow for condition. I think it is about an 8 but I want to check first.
How much you want for the stabelizers. OK
The bow is clean with a new light grey rug and a white calf hair side plate. The side plate is hard and dried out a bit, curling on the edges. It should probably be changed. You can get '64 replicas pretty cheap. I got it from Bowdoc a few years back.
It does have two stress lnes on the upper belly and several short ones on the upper back. All are before the fadeout in the riser section.
Other than that I can't find any bumps, bruises, scratches, dings, etc... anywhere. The bow is clean, except for the stress lines.
Now the killer. It is not 42#. I was mistaken, It is a 40#. I know you want one heavier than that.
Depending on how you feel about the stree lines, I would call it a 9.
So what do you want for the stabalizers. I need them for the 5PM I just got off e8ay. The description said it comes with a stabelizer, but that comes out to me an iorn hunting stabalizer like you see on cheap wheelie bows. I told him not to send it. Got three of those.