There are some variations in the Western knife blade stamping and the handle material of the Bear sets I've owned.
This set is one of the 1957 Style sets. The Western knife is stamped 648 and it has a real bone handle. Some later knives had fake bone handles, and some were stamped 648A. A Western knife collector may be able to tell you about that transition and all the variations that may exist.
The file is stamped Nicholson, Made in USA on one side and Mill Bastard on the other. It is a standard 6" Nicholson file with a .100" thick tang that is still available today. I bought 6 of them last week for less then $4 each. Going back a few years ago I bought some replacement Nicholson files that were thicker and would not fit in the file handles and were tight in the sheath. Thank God they went back to the .100" thick tangs so us crazy old farts still using these file handles and sheaths don't have to give them up because we can't find a file of the proper thickness !!!
The Stone just says Norton.
I've found all the plastic file handles to be "stuck" on the files. I have removed many with some mild persuasion or simply given up before damaging the plastic.
This knife is 8-1/8" long with 4-3/8" long blade that is .632" wide and .100" thick.
The knife and file are all off the shelf products, rather than special order for Bear.
I don't really know if the stone was off the shelf, but have owned several small Norton stones similar to this one that were in a little plastic Norton sheath. This indicates the stone was an off the shelf product too, but the precise size may not have been, I've never researched that.
Hope this is of some help.