The end of Novemeber generally marks the end of the fall's deer and elk hunts here in Idaho. I usually try to venture out on the 30th to think about the season, reflect on the hunts and give thanks for my times in the woods. I wouldn't say that I am not hunting, but it is lower on the totem pole at these times than others. here are some pictures to enjoy.
First snows of the year along the Boise front. About six inches on the North faces and I followed this old loggin raod, covered with tracks.
Sun setting on the peaks across the valley, I sat for a while and glassed for some mulies in the fading light of the hunting season.
There's a deer (or three) can you find the other two does?
It was cold with a storm coming in, swirling clouds and the sun trying to warm up my bones.
One last look at some fantastic mule deer territory (minus the abundance of raods and easy access)
No blood trails to follow, no close encounters and yet, like a lot of you, I find success and solace in the wild places I love to be in.