I have a great bow and know that I; can only shoot one bow at a time, would only take one bow hunting, am like most others concerned that my job may go by the wayside just as the retirement funds have, am married to my best friend and the love of my life, and have even been led to believe that on occasions may have rational and logical thoughts. So why do I so want to have an older Bear bow? This can only lead to conflicts and it makes no sense for me get involved with this; it really would be more logical to save my money and get a pair of hand made Russell stalking boot that would be so wonderfully comfortable to wear! So, since there really does not seem be any choice other than to move forward and find a Bear, where does one start? I do not know more than just the base facts about Bear bows and the only basis that I can use as a starting point is; shoot right-handed, comfortably pull 50# to 55# at 28”, will shoot bow most every day, will hunt with it, need to stay under say $350, and currently live in a very un-archery area (Southern Nevada) and it will be a little while before we can get back to the NW. So I would really appreciate your input and help in starting down this slippery path of collecting and using Bear bows, in advance, thanks for your help.