Bjorn - In regards to your statement...
"The differences between the '51 and '52 Grizzly have always been a bit fuzzy to me."
The limb lamination differences are the same for the Kodiak and Grizzly in 1951 and 1952
1951 Alum Lam, Blond Glass Back & Belly
1952 No Alum Lam, Blond Glass Back & Belly
Bear's blond glass varied a lot, from almost translucent with very little color, to cream to blond, and sometimes blond with streaks of cream. The blond glass was Bear's first production unidirectional glass and was not always consistent in color.
From 1950-53, the tip over lay treatment varied within the same year and/or from year to year, thus this cosmetic feature is not a reliable method of dating static Kodiaks.
The color and transparency of the background of the water transfer Kodiak decals also varied during the 1950-1953 Static Kodiak era and is not a reliable method of dating these bows.