Owen was the master bowyer for Earl Hoyt Jr. untill '66 or '67 when he went to work for Bear Archery in Grayling. I spent a good deal of time with him in the '80s when I lived in Columbia, S.C. Owen was Bear's master bowyer during the refinement of the Takedown design and is also responsible for the subtle changes in the Grizzley that came around in '68. He was/is an enormously talented man Although I haven't spoken with him for several years I do know his son Tom is running the business and at least last year, Owen was still making pretty regular appearences . Owen left Bear to serve as President of Shakespeare archery (that's how he got to So. Carolina) and when Shakespeare elected to eliminate its archery division, Owen bought out the facility. He has made bows for lotsa of folks- back in the eighties a good number of "custom" bows were actually built at Owen's shop on Pepper Street. Good bows designed by a man who understands how bows really work as well as anyone ever.