I have 2 bows being refinished at this time that I would like to give away for free, no charge. I have over $1,000 already invested in these bows. The first is a '59 Kodiak Maple sight window 60 incher that is a wall hanger only, it had a split upper limb, unrepairable. The second bow is a Saxon Kadiak, 60" 55# r/h, a real nail driver. It has had the Saxon coin replaced with an original Bear copper coin and Bear water transfer decals. I had provided replacement Bear decals from Al H. but they were destroyed last November. I was told today that the bows would be now possibly refinished and ready for delivery by the end of March. If anyone wants either of these bows you can have them. Send me a pm and I will get you in touch with the refinisher. You will have to pay him for the shipping from his shop to your home. I will pay for the refinishing bill myself because the refinisher accepted the work from me and I will honor my agreement with him, my word is good and I consider myself a man of integrity. Due to personal considerations, I have no desire to ever see either bow again. I hope someone else can make good use of them. I have plenty of other bows. The Saxon is a great shooting recurve and the Kodiak would be a fantastic display piece. I'm sure the bows will look stunning when they are done as the refinisher is a very busy professional. Thanks and enjoy.