Dear knowledgeable and helpful folks here at TradGang's collector forum,
this poor mistreated Grizzly lay on my doorstep last night. She obviously spent the last 20 or so years of her young life in some attic, so she is in dire need of some help and care.
What do I use to clean this dull and stainy surface? Some kind of alcohol? Window cleaner?
The window is about the only spot that still has some kind of varnish on it. Better sand that down too? And then: what to apply? Any clear coat or varnish ready for outdoor use, or just some natural oil?
Can twisted limbs be treated with heat, like with a wooden bow?
What do to with these stress lines?
Any help would be highly appreciated – many thanks in advance.
Best wishes from Germany,
P. S: Tried to find some information in the archive, but couldn't. In case there's an older thread on that, please let me know. Thanks.