Added, I hope, is some photos of some early Bear Archery arrows.
I have to wonder EXACTLY what they are since somethings don't "jive" with what little I know.
They are, obviously, some higher grade Bear arrows, dipped and crested nicely on the glass shaftment.
A few things jump out at me a bit that confuses me.
One of which, while the length, spine, colors match the label on the box, the LABEL, if you look closely has a different label UNDER it.
Second of all, 8 of the arrows have 1960 Bear Razorheads, 3 have the 64 issue and one was left unattached, also a 64 issue.
Third, the current label says "X-100" but I've no catalogs of 1959/60 or so to compare a photo.
Lastly and the one that stumps me most is these fiberglass arrows ARE NOT HOLLOW. At first I thought a wooden section was put in to taper for heads but two attempts to prove this are telling me this is not true.
A. Tapping on the shaft with a plastic ink pen has no sound change regardless of where I tap on it.
B. The one without a head yet attached has a balance point, like measuring FOC, to the REAR of center, not forward. One would think about any lenght of cedar would outweigh the fletching, paint and knock.
Total weight, is right at 500 grains, spine is 50-55.
I'm hoping Wade or someone else has some kind of experience seeing similar or at least have a similar one WITHOUT the wood inside to weigh?
I REALLY expected them to be more than 500 grains, WITH a head attached.
Without breaking one (intentionally)I've no way I can think of to prove if there is or isnt wood inside the entire shaft.
The weight indicates to me that it does not, the balance point and sound test indicate to me that it does.
Any help will be appreciated from someone having sets of these arrows or similar to show me.
God Bless.