PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU WRITE YOUR SCREEN NAME AND SCORE SOMEWHERE ON THE TARGET!!! CUTT OFF DATE TO SIGN UP IS DEC. 16, 2007 How do ya'll feel about doing an online shooting tourny? I'm thinking 5 weeks long one target a week at something like 15 yeards with 5 arrows. it will be totaly on the honor system. once you shoot your target you take a pic or scan the target and post it.
Tradgang picture size rules apply. Please make sure you adhear to them. If you need help ask some one or email/PM me and I will help you.
obvisouly your gonna need a scanner or camera to be able to play.
Jan 1 2008 is the start date. you have one week to shoot your target. if no target turned in by that sunday noon (12PM CST) you get a 0.
1. Any bow classified as a traditional by tradgang standards
2. No arrow restrictions….carbon, wood, aluminum, cane….etc
3. A cut line gets rounded up
4. An “X” is a 12 everything is as marked
5. Targets must be turned in by Sunday 12:00 PM
6. You cannot shoot all 5 targets in one week and turn them in one at a time or all at one time
7. You may practice/warm up before shooting your target
8. If more then 5 holes appear in your target your weeks target will be a zero
9. Target will be shot at a distance of 15 yards or 45 feet
10. Everyone will shoot this
We will be using this target so that everyone can print it. It will print on regular paper.
Here is a target sample and how to score. Best you can get is a 60 (5 arrow * 12 points = 60)
please make sure to put your screen name and your score on the target somewhere. That way if your going to have some one post them for you they do not get mixed up with some one elses score.
SAMPLE: all times I refer too are in CST/CDST