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Author Topic: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972  (Read 6304 times)

Offline cacciatore

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #40 on: July 20, 2009, 02:31:00 PM »
I agreed with Doc,maybe you can join your experiences to pubblish your own collector CD before someone else could do it.And you can hide the reserces and let them know only to the members,just a input.Felix
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Offline d. ward

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2009, 02:41:00 PM »
well I'am going to keep playing along.But if I see someone selling our info the least of their worries will be a lawsuit from my lawyer.It will be knocking on their front door about 11 o'clock some saturday night.....add to the list A-2090 owner in 2000 was Carl.Again I have no note as to what work was done or total

Offline CrookedStick

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #42 on: July 20, 2009, 05:54:00 PM »

That would be kinda funny - 29 guys with A-risers at the ready  behind you as you knock on their door!


Offline d. ward

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #43 on: July 20, 2009, 05:55:00 PM »

Offline Wade Phillips

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #44 on: July 20, 2009, 07:38:00 PM »
Doc - I understand what you are saying about the information being misused and I agree with you 100%.

From our standpoint, the owners of the items, we want to share the information to try to answer some of the questions that we have had for years. With an open forum like this, anyone, owners and non-owners, can access the information.

I think we should back up a bit to clarify a point or two.

Being a US Copyright holder for a few books, I do understand a bit about US Copyright laws, have read the law several times, talked with attorneys about copyright laws and read quite a bit about these laws. We could probably have a lengthy thread about copyrights.

In your post above posted July 20, 2009 08:08 AM, you stated...

"You know kind of like the bear CD and the place that sells copies of all bear catalogs and there are even black and white copies of the bear catalogs for sale out there."

First about the Bear CD that features Bear's Grayling Catalogs. I know the fellow who orchestrated the creation of that CD, and talked with him about it, before, during and after the CD was created. So probably know more than most about the events that took place.

In 2000 when the CD was created and copyrighted, Bear Archery owned the copyrights to the catalogs. It was my understanding at that time, that in exchange for some compensation, Bear gave written permission for the CD to be made.

In other words the CD is a 100% legal and legitimate item according to US Copyright laws.

I can not speak for the legitimacy of the color reprints of the catalogs as I have no knowledge of anything regarding them other than the fellow from Wisconsin who sold them the catalogs told me about the transaction after he had made the sale to the color copy company. After he told me, I was sick.

Now, for guys like me, who 20 years prior to 2000, had completed a set of original Bear Grayling catalogs, it seemed unfair for anyone to be able to pay $50 to buy a complete set of Bear Grayling Catalogs on CD. But the CD was legal, so there was nothing any of us catalog collectors could do.

I still have all my original paper catalogs and use them almost daily. I also have the CD, but would much rather handle the paper, turn the pages, look at the ink stamp labels on the covers from old friends who I got the catalogs from.

Back to the serial numbers.

Doc - You have more invested than anyone in recording the serial number data for all of these years. So I can understand your feelings. I don't know what to advise you to do except I would not even give out your customer's first name. Not sure I would even give out the serial number of the customer's bow without the customer’s permission.

Perhaps the wisest thing for you to do is just make a list of the A-B-C risers that you have had in the shop, and give the total number of each to Bernie to aid in figuring out how many of each, A-B-C, were made. (Bernie, notice how I just casually volunteered you to do the B-C too.

Doc - You are in a much different situation than us guys who just have some risers and want to share information.  You’ll have to figure out the right thing for you to. Sometimes these situations are tough.

I don't see the list raw data having much value for anyone to try to sell when anyone can get all the information for free by viewing the first page of this thread.

If this list grows to include several hundred risers, I don't see how anyone could ever write anything about Bear's A Risers (including an article or even a post on another thread) and not make some reference to the most complete list ever assembled (if it becomes that).

And if anyone ever writes a book about Fred Bear's Takedowns, they could not possibly ignore making reference to such a list.

Frankly, I hope this list helps spark someone into writing a book about Fred's Takedowns. Now that Al is gone, I have no idea who would write such a book, but I know for sure it won't be me because I don't have the T/D passion, experience, nor collection of T/Ds to even think about considering it.

Doc – I have a couple of suggestions for you regarding books…

Clean up your restoration ledger a bit, give it to a professional to have it transcribed with instructions to not include names, have it printed and sell the books.

Your restoration 101 thread is a book. If cleaned up, expanded a bit, and printed, it would probably be at the top of the Bow Collector's Best Seller List for next 10 years. After 10 years, your Second Edition would take its place.

Both would be your copyrighted books and if they were numbered, limited editions, nobody would fail to buy matching numbers.

I would like to order two matching numbered sets, #13 and #58.

Let me know the availability and cost.
"Real Sportsmanship is Fair Play" - Art Young

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Offline CrookedStick

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #45 on: July 20, 2009, 09:46:00 PM »
Thanks guys, got today's batch posted.

Rich, this could go on for years!?!?!?

Wade, thanks for the confidence to volunteer me   :eek:


Offline Earl E. Nov...mber

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2009, 10:05:00 PM »
Heck, someone should just write Doc's biography, It would be a best seller for sure.
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Offline Wade Phillips

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #47 on: July 21, 2009, 02:03:00 PM »
Bernie -

Data for a couple more A Risers to add to the list. These two slipped through my hands several years ago.

A-No # - Refinished, RH, stab ins, “Charlie Kroll” sig – Wade Phillips sold
A-1833 - Original Finish, RH, stab ins, “Fred Bear” sig – Wade Phillips sold

Also gathered up some data for a few 69-72 B & C Risers.

Let us know if you want to post B&C information on this thread or if you want to start separate threads for the B&C Risers.
"Real Sportsmanship is Fair Play" - Art Young

"Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects." - Will Rogers

Offline Grant Young

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #48 on: July 21, 2009, 02:33:00 PM »
Just caught up with this thread. Interesting points made. I'm trying to remember what Owen told me about the "shotgun latch" takedown that was the predecessor to the marketed version. I know that Mr. Bear kept one -you can see it on the film, "History of the Bow and Arrow." If I recall correctly, Owen said they sent one out for testing with a guy who ultimately killed a leopard with it and he raved so lodly about what a great bow it was that they just let him keep it. I don't think that Owen could remember his name but its probably out there still- it'd be a keeper for sure. I can see it now- you walk into an estate sale and there it sets and no archers in the crowd....ahhhh.
   Wade- you make some very relevant and interesting points regarding the intricacies of copyright law. One of the ways the internet has rocked the status quo.
   Bowdoc- the ownership of intellectual property has been an issue for as long as money has been paid for ideas,period.The reality is, I'm afraid, that once the information is freely displayed the cat is out of the bag, so to speak. Not very long ago you could have mailed yourself a dated manuscript and just left it sealed and it could be used to qualify a claim of ownership in lieu of an active copyright. With the 'net I'm not sure what would fly unless a html file was made of the post and saved. Interesting points all round. And to think other folks think we're a bunch of nuts roaming around playing with sharp sticks, LOL.     GY

Offline Moooseran

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #49 on: July 21, 2009, 03:38:00 PM »
Here are mine...............

Type 2  2104  RH   Has Bushimg
        2108  RH   Has Bushing

Type 1  1236  RH   No  Bushing
        1576  RH   Has Bushing
        1677  RH   Has Bushing

Great thread....................moose

Offline Goosebuster46

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #50 on: July 21, 2009, 04:16:00 PM »
This is the one I just picked up at Compton from Norm, With the help from Bill Hinkley                                                                                                                                                         Type 1 LH A, Has Bushing, 1633, Brown Bears

Offline d. ward

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #51 on: July 21, 2009, 07:20:00 PM »
I wanted to say thanks Wade for all the info thats helpful and could be put to good use.I think we'll be safe for now.
Ok here's another A-1419 lefthand Its the only bear t/d I've noted with the factory serial number on the right side of the riser weird huh ? think it was Fred's ?????? bd

Offline d. ward

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #52 on: July 21, 2009, 07:49:00 PM »
What's the deal we doing A-B&C in this same thread or should we start another for B and then another for C ? what the heck Terry don't care how many we post.That would make for better records keeping maybe.
Another thing we better do the limb thread.I got a couple sets I'am working on now that could help answer some ?????? let me know.I may start it later tonight myself if someone don't.
Oh yeah add this one to the list of short risers A-1242.
If I should happen to list a riser twice that would indacate the riser was returned to me later for one reason or another..OK you guy's set tight I gotta go visit my grandkidds I'll be back with more numbers in a couple hrs OK ???? bd

Offline CrookedStick

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #53 on: July 21, 2009, 10:21:00 PM »

I just started the B & C threads...something called Search Engine Optimization dictates we should have different threads to make it easier for folks to find the info.

I think I will let you start that limb thread...this may never end!


Offline Wade Phillips

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #54 on: July 21, 2009, 11:12:00 PM »
OK guys, This evening, I accidentally stumbled across something of interest to us regarding serial numbers on this thread ...

Was going through a working draft of a book I've been working on (part time) for the past five years, it is about Bear Leather Quivers and wanted to look something up for another thread (hey forget that thread for now)..., anyway, found stuffed in the front pocket of the draft, is 13 pages of Bear bow serial numbers and serial number codes. Years are sporatic...

starts with 1957-58
skips 1959-60
then starts again in 1961
skips 1962-63
then starts 1964-65-66-67-68-69-70-71
skips 1972-73
then starts 74-75-76-77-78

Last month is October 1978, for November written in the column is "Move to Fla from Michigan" and there is nothing after 1978.

The information is in all types of formats, obviously produced in blocks of years, some handwritten, some typed, some a combination. The data is really a mess.

I believe Frank Scott gave this to me several years ago, probably sometime in the mid 1990s. These are photo copies and you can see that most of the original pages were three hole punched. There were at least a couple of other collectors who had these pages too, as several years ago I remember talking with them about some of these pages, and numbers from specific years.

The good news is that the information for 1970 and 1971 is included, which is exactly what we are interested in for this thread...

The ledger shows the ending serial number for the year so will list them by year...



Unfortunately, the data for 1972 and 1973 was not recorded on the ledger, so is not available from this source document.

The limb serial numbers are also listed, but I will wait to post them on the thread for limbs - who is the volunteer for that thread?  The limbs may be a lot more work than the risers as far more limbs were made then risers...
"Real Sportsmanship is Fair Play" - Art Young

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Offline d. ward

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #55 on: July 22, 2009, 07:06:00 AM »
I tried the reply with quote from Wade's post but could not figure out how to post this...
The limbs may be a lot more work.
Nobody said anything to me about work.I thought we just listed the numbers then hit some button on this stupid contrapsion and booyaa the pc's did the work.You mean like someone has to actually do something here ??? gee's and I thought we were just having fun ? now Wadester tosses the word work into the mix ???? bd

Offline Wade Phillips

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #56 on: July 22, 2009, 07:47:00 AM »
Doc - "Work", Yes, bad thing to say to early in the morning.

"The limbs may be a lot more work."

Work meaning the administrator of the limb list will have to copy the information from the thread and then edit the limb list by putting each limb information it in its proper numerical sequence on the edited list.

If I am reading Frank Scott's list correctly, it looks like there were over 5,000 limbs produced through the end of 1971. This is if the numbers were used only once. If they were re-used, it would be over 13,000.

I have no idea if the 4-digit numbers were reused for the 1-2-3 limbs or if each 4-digit number was used only once for either a 1-2-3 set of limbs.

The limbs should probably be limited to only black with white tips and white with black tips (and of course the ugly duckings, the pea green with white tips and brown wedges). There may be some other colors that may fall within these lower serial numbers, guess we will find out.

My guess is that we probably don't want to include any limbs with numbers falling within the run of red tip limbs and beyond.
"Real Sportsmanship is Fair Play" - Art Young

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Offline Cody Roiter

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #57 on: July 22, 2009, 09:38:00 AM »
Lots of great info guys keep it comeing...

We as archer's must keep it alive by helping others into the sport WE LOVE.

Offline Wade Phillips

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #58 on: July 22, 2009, 01:52:00 PM »
Bernie -

This is a nice A Riser that I had at one time, but traded off..

A-1225 - Original Finish, RH, stab ins, “Floyd Eccleston” – Wade Phillips traded
"Real Sportsmanship is Fair Play" - Art Young

"Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects." - Will Rogers

Offline CrookedStick

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Re: Bear A Wood Risers - Serial Numbers - 1969-1972
« Reply #59 on: July 22, 2009, 09:24:00 PM »
A-riser list up-to-date as of July 22 (I think).

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