Jim while most of those 76#-100# Kodiaks have a wedge sight window I have seen one exception and would not be surprised to see other exceptions.
If it was 77# and a 1959 Kodiak, according to the 1959 catalog, it should have been 64" and Special Ordered. To my knowledge the catalog does not state nor show anything about a wedge sight window.
It is pretty clear in the 1959 Catalog what weights were available in which lengths...
56" - 25 to 60 lbs.
60" - 30 to 65 lbs.
64" - 30 to 75 lbs.
Heavier weights, 76 to 100 lbs available only in 64" length on special order at $10.00 extra.
Remember, there are known exceptions to Bear's catalog specifications as far a maximum weights, particularly just one or two pounds.
Have never seen a 56" nor a 60" 1959 Kodiak with a wedge sight window.
Have you?
As mentioned earlier, I have seen a 1959 Kodiak over 76# that was not a wedge sight window.
There frequently seems to be a least one exception to any rule established about Bear Bows.
Frankly nothing would surprise me as far as exceptions.
So hopefully this evening, we will see someone post a 56" or 60" 1959 Kodiak Wedge sight window.
The 60" Wedge Sight Window was made in the 1961 and 1962 Kodiaks, Al Reader had both and I have both. Have also seen other 60" Wedge Sight Window from these two years.
In my limited experience, collecting the 1959 to 1962 wedge sight window bows is one of the most difficult facets of collecting one piece Bear bows.