I'm putting together an Archery Collectors Show hosted by Cabelas and sponsored by the ABCC.
This is to be held at the Cabelas store in Sidney, Nebraska July 9 to 11-2010.
I have several collectors attending with their memorabilia displays along with broadhead displays lined up but more are welcome.
Some highlights:
Howard Hill Display
Chet Stevenson Display
Lost Canyon Arrows Display
Pinecrest Display
bows, pictures, etc.
There is no fee and this is open to the public. This is a great opportunity for the collectors to meet and trade, buy, or sell their goodies. A wonderful chance to open the history of archery to the interested public.
Please go to:
www.cabelas.com and then click on "Retail Stores" then click on the Sidney store. There you will find out about the amenities offered. There is RV and tent camp sites, motels and restaurants with-in walking distance. RV sites should be reserved well in advance by calling the number on the web site. There is also an airport in Sidney.
I will answer all questions, just email or PM me. I can then provide a phone number if you wish to talk.
Ron Brunges