About 1980... at Woolworths... a bright red solid fiberglass Bear bow archery set, @ 35 pounds. I wanted to buy a heavier bow, a "real" Bear recurve, a laminated 50 pound Bear, one powerful enough for big game, but I was only 12 and lacked the money and approval from Dad. I had birthday cash, and I tried to talk Dad into loaning me some for a better, more powerful bow. He declined, telling me I was wasting my money buying a bow (he was, and still is a gunman. He told me I would waste my cash if I bought the bow, because I would never use it. LOL!!!! One of the few times my Dad was ever wrong. I killed a TON of frogs with that 35# bow! I still chide him about it now, as I'm an avid archery nut!