SteveO - That depends...."new manufacture" baby Snuffers are easy to come by....they are called "Woodsmans"! HA! Couldn't pass that up.
The baby Snuffers were made by hand years ago. I know my brother had some when he was a kid (probably early 1970's) and Dad made some for other folks - kids and women shooting light bows - but he never made any during the time I can remember, so I'd be surprised if any were made after 1980. There were never any jigs for these heads - all one at a time by hand. I've been asked by several collectors about them, but frankly, I've never held one in my hand, myself. Saw a couple in collections.
There's still a few one-off prototype stuff floating around. I know Bret Cagle has one of the early 2 inch diameter - yeah, TWO INCH, Snuffers that originally belonged to Jim Emerson. Dad built lots of sizes in the early R&D days. Bret has shot a couple deer with this head in the last few years. Ask him and he'll give you a graphic description of what it will do to a buck's heart!