My twins, that clearly have had the royal treatment, show considerably more stress lines. I am learning that the lines are kind of insignificant, yet it is still cosmetically nice to not have them.
Well being right handed but left eye dominant, and having a grandfather who shot left handed, it was natural for me to begin shooting guns left handed as a kid. I was pouring through my dads old Shooter Bibles from the time I was five.
As I became of age to hunt the only rifle that was available to me was a P17 Enfield which is of course right handed. So one day in antiquity I just decided to learn to shoot right handed. Turned out that as a 14 year old, 45 years ago, I did not know it was supposed to be hard.
Now skip forward to the early nineties when I started to get serious about archery. I was working in a fishing tackle, hardware, gun store for a friend and he told me one day that we were gonna start selling bows, mostly High Country, and that he would get a demo bow for me, and would I prefer right or left handed. Since there is a far larger market for rh bows than left I opted for right. I shot that bow very well out to 60 yards with some of the early pultruded carbons (at 270 fps with my then 32 inch draw).
I got interested in having my own bow after a while and decided that I really ought to own a leftie to match my dominant eye. I was intrigued by the new solo cam and somehow managed to learn that the Canadian distributor was in Calgary. In short I ended up with one of the first lh Mathews in Canada, serial number 751. I shot that bow with a relax type release to make it closer to fingers as I fully intended to get into trad archery as well, our club was full of people shooting old Bears and then Kempf customs or maybe Chek Mates.
Well I never did get into trad at that time, my eyes got to the point where I was pretty dodgy with sights and I just quit shooting for about 7 or 8 years. Then in 2009 I moved to a northern Saskatchewan community where archery was alive and well, buying first a lh Ben Pearson target curve and then a rh Damon Howatt. My intent was to shoot target style left handed and instinctive right. Well obviously that all went out the window and here I am today.
Last weekend I shot at the Mother of All Shoots in Red Deer my lh Gharing for the first round, my rh ACS for the second round and the Twins, each for about half, the third round. I did not shoot very well, what I did do is have a great time telling others about the virtues of traditional archery, shooting old bows, collecting you name it, which will help me in my new position as Membership Chair and Treasurer for the Alberta Traditional Bowhunters Association.
Now I did not set out to write a book to answer a short question; that is just where it ended up.
And btw what is with the incredibly fascinating avatar?