Our local UPS driver is one of my best friends. He is a great guy and great bowhunter and my steady hunting pard. However...I too have seen him move boxes from the front of the truck to the back with his foot, kick by kick. I give him heck about it and he tells me its hard to wrestle around with them in the narrow walkway in the truck. Most of the stuff he is delivering is pretty much bullet proof. Boxes of paper, hard goods etc, so I don't mind if he kicks it around a little. Couple years ago, I ordered a metal cut band saw that was "just" under their weight limit and had it UPS'd instead of drop shipped, just for my pal. When it arrived, the box it was in looked like it had just got back from Iraq. I didn't run out to help him like I usually do either. I thought it was a pretty good joke till he made me wash dishes all hunting season.