I'm glad you guys enjoyed the pics and story.We all love chasing down all these wonderful old bows and arrows,broadheads,catalogs,pictures,etc..,but I've come to discover a whole nother aspect of collecting over the years.The few times I've had the opportunity to sit and talk with some of those that were actually there have become some of my most treasured experiences since I first became interested in this stuff many years ago.Most of those participants are gone now.A few I have met and are gone now are Glenn St. Charles,Charlie Kroll,Cliff Coe,Erwin Ketzler,Art Linde,and several Bear employees,many that worked for Fred since the 1950's.The stories that they shared with me are priceless.
Another quick story about Bruce.Back in the 1950's I believe it was,he worked at an archery shop.There was an Outdoor Show going on at the Michigan State Fairgrounds,quite common back then.One of the Wilhelm brothers,Walt or Ken,I don't recall,was going to do an archery demonstration but for some reason,his bow and arrows didn't make the trip with him from out west.So Bruce was approached and asked if he could help this gentleman out with a bow and some arrows.When he heard who it was he got as excited as you would expect.Mr. Wilhelm came to his shop,pulled back a few bows and finally settled on one of the few heavy weight bows that he had.Bruce had to call up a friend to get some 3/8" shafts as he didn't have any heavy enough for Mr. Wihelm's draw weight.He got the shafts,some full length feathers and glue.Bruce asked him if he needed a fletching jig for the feathers and he said "what's that?" Bruce showed him a jig and he said "No,I won't need that".He asked for some straight pins so some were secured from a local store.Mr. Wilhelm proceeded to pin one end of the feather down with the straight pin,then apply some glue and pin the other end down.He did this on all of his arrows,let them dry and then was asked if he would like to use a feather burner to shape his feathers.Again he chose not to use this modern device but simply trimmed his feathers with some scissors.Bruce said the arrows were fantastic and Mr. Wilhelm,even though up in age,put on a fantastic show.He even gave Bruce one of his arrows but Bruce said somehow many years ago it got badly broken,so much so that he ended up throwing it away.Oh well,some times you win,sometimes you lose.Wish I could have added some pics of THAT arrow!