Hunting with a trad bow and wanting to use an e-caller? That just aint right, lol.
We do lots of predator hunting here in east texas. We even hunt a few tournaments every year right after deer season. I havent tried for a yote with my bow yet but i took a very nice bobcat in october.
Yall are talking about coyote hunting out of your deer stands, thats a good place to start. However, predator hunting is pretty hit or miss, so you need to be versatile. In my experience, if nothing shows in 10 minutes, it aint gonna. You plan on getting all geared up and then only hunting 10 minutes? Me neither, so ya gotta cover some ground. Use a good mouth call...set up in enough cover to hide your draw, but also make sure you can see em comin. Call for 10 or so and if nothing shows, move to the next spot. It is recommended to move 400 yards. However you can get by with less with lots of cover.