Not even my dad is know as Mr. Lyon. I'm old, but not that old. :eek:
The finish is all stripped off and it cleaned up extremely nice.
I've got decals on the way and I've also got the first limb tip overlay replacements under construction. Four layers of alternating white and brown glass then some file work.
Will try to find some Birchwood Casey True Oil. Struck out at Home Depot and two of the top end hardware stores in the area. I'm going to try one of the old gun shops in town as I think I remember them having it years ago.
I rounded out the arrow shelf a little as well. It sloped from a low spot at the belly side of the bow to a high spot at the back of the bow. I crowned this slightly in the center.
Vegetable tanned 2-3 ounce leather is on the way and that will be cut and skived appropriately. Limb tip reconstruction will be my first ever, so I'm going very slow. Fortunately I've got the originals still to give me a guide for replicating. The other little trick will be installing the quiver insert in the riser since it did not have one originally.
If all goes according to plan, it should be ready in plenty of time to practice before the October 1 archery deer opener here in MI.