The one in OHIO, in 1986 at the Deer Creek Park, it was the very first one. I met people there that are still my friends to this day. I really didn't talk to many people, I was in AWE. I even volunteered to work in the raffle booth a bit. I bought a book and some snuffers from Roger Rothaar and can remember his little son running around the tables, I never guessed I would be guiding that little kid for water buffalo in Australia years later! As I said earlier, what I expected to find there was a couple "big names" on stage telling everyone what great bowhunters they were, boy was I wrong, I renewed my membership as soon as I got home. A couple years later, I applied for regular membership and Bill Hassanmeyer, who sat across the table from me at the first banquet was my sponsor! George Hilf was a great guy, I worked with him in every raffle booth for many get-togethers.