Had a problem occur recently while shooting some Herter's fiberglass "Farbenglass" arrows that a friend of mine gave me from his old shooting days. Very Microflight"ish" in nature, and they flew just fine.....noooo problem, right???
well, I decided to take them to a local 3-D shoot , as I was shooting my Ed Holcomb 59' Kodiak repro....47#.. and about 5 targets into the course problems arose. I let loose of my arrow....got slapped wickedly in my forearm.(behind my bracer) and my coveted Holcomb went flying on the ground, right out of my hand. The arrow was sticking in the ground about 3 feet in front of the target and I wad shocked and bewildered??? Upon inspection of my bow, I found it to be ship-shape, the ARROW however had a blown-up nock..! 45 years old and just couldn't take it. Well.....I chalked it up to a crack??? in the previous nock, regrouped and tried another one, same target....you guessed it....same thing....exactly the same thing.!!!! That ended the day for shooting those and shot some Beeman MFX's for the rest of the course...I had 2 extra with me, thank God..! Went home and renocked those arrows with some Bohning classics....lesson learned. So, word to the wise . I'm sure many of you already know this or have experienced a similar situation....but if you HAVEN'T.....BEWARE..! They say wise men learn from their mistakes, but TRULY WISE men learm from others......there ends the lesson. Shoot safe ladies and gents......John