Allow me to indulge in just a little bit of Proud Daddy boasting.....
Yesterday my twin 6 year old daughters participated in their first JOAD (Junior Olympic Archery Development) Tournament. They're not actually old enough, as to compete an archer needs to be at least seven years....but the Range officials managed to bent the rules just a bit to accomodate us.
The girls shoot a pair of matched Martin Prodigy recurves (amo 48", 15# @ 24"), although they are really only pulling 18 inches draw. They shoot 1/4 dowel arrows made by Dad.
For ease of learning they shoot a "No-Tab" rubber fingers mounted right on the string. No sights. They're little Instinctors!
Targets are just at 10 yards and the competition was at times pretty intense. Some lessons learned about the most important arrow in the world is the one on your bowstring that you'll shoot next. The last arrow does not count, since it's already history. Lessons learned about keeping one's head in the game....take full advantage of the time allowed and remember the fundamentals of good form....
Success comes from disciplined coaching and solid application of what is being instructed. Mark West of West Archery JOAD club in Colton, CA is our coach. Hiring Mark West was one of the best ideas I've had toward developing my daughters as archers and eventually huntresses. Mark is an outstanding instructor and great with children.
Accuracy does not get too much better this....
At the end of the day my girls took first and second place in the girls Yeoman class. The winning score was a 171. Proud little ladies and a very happy Coach Mark West.
I'm hoping this is just a peak into future archery successes.