I sure am glad to see a message on this board. I have been looking at the blank page for quite some time.
As some of you may or may not know, I hold dual citizenship. I am a board member of the other national traditional organization, as well as a recent member of Compton Traditional Bowhunters.
I'm glad to see Compton Traditional Bowhunters taking advantage of this medium. It will allow all of us to communicate much faster than other methods. It also allows only members of the organization to participate in any announcements or debate. Unlike other sites where non-members chime in on topics that don't concern them.
And yes Ron, the Compton Rendezvous was a great event. And I am a self proclaimed expert on great events. I have been a part of the Traditional Nationals in Cloverdale, Indiana for 13 years now. I have no doubt that moving it to the weekend you chose this year, and the great weather help greatly in the success. I have always liked the Berrien County Sportsman's club, in fact, I just sent in my membership application.
I just wanted to stop in and say hi. Sincerely, P.J. Petiniot