INFO: Trad Archery for Bowhunters

Author Topic: VOLUNTEERS  (Read 4601 times)

Offline tkytrac

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« on: May 31, 2014, 07:08:00 AM »
As I have done for the past few years I have posted here to try to bring some new and different ideas to the kids program for the rendezvous. Seems I have failed. But not to be discouraged...I'll give it another go.

We would like to have a person,(prefer period dress but not necessary)to talk to the kids during their break time. Talk about archery, parts of the bow, arrow, history, or just stories of shooting a bow. Just need to be at the kids shoot for a couple of hours on Sat. afternoon. Super easy task. Will be fun for the right person.

Let me know!! Thanks.
Charter Member of Compton Traditonal Bowhunters
Recording Secretary for Michigan Longbow Association
Associate Editor of MLA's STICKTALK Magazine

Offline tkytrac

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« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2015, 08:27:00 PM »
Just ran across this post again by accident and wanted to give a shout out to all those that participated in the Kid's Program on Saturday at the Compton Rendezvous.

There is no other group in traditional archery who gives more or does more for this special event. You are all first class and I am proud of each of you. Your contributions over the years have been a true blessing to adults and children alike. You are what makes traditional archery the grand sport that it is.

Take a bow boys and girls. Hats off to the volunteers of the kids program 2014!! Can't wait til next year aye?? LOL
Charter Member of Compton Traditonal Bowhunters
Recording Secretary for Michigan Longbow Association
Associate Editor of MLA's STICKTALK Magazine

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