I am not sure how to respond to this, being a youth leader kinda puts an xtra big lump in my throat.We are not promised any amount of time, but He does promise us that He will never leave us nor forsake us.I know thats easy for me to say being that I can still hold my child,hug my child and tell my child I love her.I just want you to draw closer to the Father now than you ever have before.1) for the needed comfort and 2) because I feel quite certain He is holding in His arms,the one you used to, and after all is said and done where else would you want him to be???? So if I can be so bold as to suggest....
"don't wrestle..just nestle". He tells if we draw close to Him, He will draw close to us. Don't allow satan the priveledge of seperating you from the love of God.
In his name.Brad Brought