YES, you can! God never gives us more than we can "take." He often, though, gives us way more'n we want to take... and I'm right there with you...
I know some folks believe God is responsible for everything and to them I apologize, for I do not see God as a puppeteer pulling everyone's strings. With Evil in this world around us, bad things will happen.
Get that book...borrow it. From a church or library... Dream Giver by B. Wilkinson. We often believe that when things go the worst, we're somehow out of God's will...and yet there are times where God might be testing us to see how strong our Faith is before He enacts the next step in His plan for our lives... and other times when things go wrong... it's because Satan has seen that we're walking too close with God in Faith and he knows he better redouble his evil efforts to separate us from God before the devil loses us for good.
Maybe this is a time where you're walking close enough with God that the devil turned up the heat... and God is watching to see how strong your Faith really is.
I've been where you are...there are many here right now like Benha in your boat... and personally, my job is now down to 4 days/week... but you, and the rest of us, are never alone. We have each other and we have God's assurance that He will never forsake us!
Keep the Son in your eyes!!