On March 14, at 6:29p.m. eastern, Andrew Joshua Bolin arrived! He was delivered via c-section at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville and Andrew and his mom, Alicia are doing well. Despite the av block and being born 2 months early, he is not on oxygen and his heart rate is stable. Originally, the docs had planned to put in a pacemaker at birth, but they say he will be going home without one. He is a little fellar, just 3lbs. and 13oz. and 15 1/2" long, but he is quite handsome! Praise be to God and special thanks to you all for your prayers. The Ped. cardiologist calls him a "prayer baby"! Keep the prayers flowing as there is still a long way to go. I will be driving back to IN this evening and then to Nashville and back to IN on Monday, so prayer for traveling mercies would be helpful for old Grandpa! God Bless, Mike