My wife had bunion surgery, very invasive, screws and all, this past monday, the 23, was doing well till Thursday morning going to the bathroom, got the swimhead on crutches and fell and shattered her wrist. Had to have surgery, a T plate, with 3 screws in her arm and seven in her wrist. Brought her home on the 28, having a rough go. Luckily I had saved up my sick time over the last 9 years, am taking off for 3 weeks to take care of her. All prayers needed, my daughter lives several hours away at college, going to school and teaching there, just me and the wife. the broken wrist and the foot she had operated on is on the left side. She cant do anything, pretty much helpless. But today she is feeling a little better, asked me how long till bow season opens, since she hunts to. Thanks all of you.