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Author Topic: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(  (Read 1904 times)

Offline Doc Nock

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Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« on: September 11, 2008, 09:14:00 AM »
Well,'s been a swell ride.

Now it appears I'm back in the soup with several others on here.

I'd accepted a terrific job with First Energy out in Beaver, PA.

Company paid a generous relocation package. I'd been out, spent a good bit of time on the ground, found a bunch of good Tradgangers to meet and worked with various realty folks, found a place, movers had been here to estimate my stuff, I moved things from various storage areas into a storeroom, including all my hunting stuff all jammed into one place.  

Turned off the job search engines, wrote to places that I appreciated their interest, but have taken other work.

I've gone through extensive company background checks and intensive medical reviews there at the plant last time out.

This AM, I get a call from the Director of my division telling me that they reorganized and that they've eliminated the position at my site location and are withdrawing the offer. OFFER!!! It was way past an offer. After all I've been through and lost?

I'm due to move 22nd and everything is in total chaos. My unemployment runs out in a few weeks! I've spent the past 6 weeks totally focused on moving there and stopped looking elsewhere.

Wow. I cannot even begin to tell you how it feels. I'm sure ole C2 felt the same as have others here who find they're in the soup.

What is this world of employment coming to?  That they've spent thousands on me to this point, I've spent many thousands to get to this point and lost all this time and passed by who know how many wonderful opportunities?

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayers for keeping my head about me and my stomach outa my throat.

Oh...and my elderly friend Jack is back in the hospital. He has the bladder cancer that keeps spreading and is in his lymph system. He now is back with breathing problems again....

Thanks for the dual prayers. Jack and I.
The words "Child" and "terminal illness" should never share the same sentence! Those who care-do, others question!

TGMM Family of the Bow

Sasquatch LB

Offline Shell

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2008, 09:40:00 AM »
Dave,  I am troubled to hear this what you are going through as well as Jack, praying for both of you dealing with this. As much as I hear of this and wish I had some control and could push a button and make everything better, only God knows best and is planning for you.

You are a blessing and pray for blessings to you in this.

Offline bear1336

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2008, 10:07:00 AM »
Prayers will continue my brother.

Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside thoroughly used up, totally worn out, with bible in hand and loudly proclaim...WOW...What a Ride!!!

Offline Killdeer

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2008, 02:38:00 PM »
Son of could they DO that?  :mad:  
OK, I'll calm down and pray politely, but He knows that I am ticked.

Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend.


TGMM Family Of The Bow

Offline Doc Nock

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2008, 03:30:00 PM »
No EASY button for life, Shell, but as your hubby suggests..."foot of the cross."

Thanks're always there and solid. Have a safe trip now...

Killy, thanks. Means a lot. I don't know. They just don't seem to have much sense like I thought... 11 days till move time. They SAY they'll reimburse for the money on rent, deposits, etc, etc...but what about turning down Cobra insurance since I was to go on theirs 10/1? What about all the jobs not applied for or seen when I shut things down based on that offer 4 weeks ago? What about the dozens and dozens of hours searching on line and on the phone for housing?

Make me whole?  I think they gave me another one or two misplaced "holes"... kinda feel gut-shot right at the moment...but my current residence is secure (landlady was happy to not have to look for a tenant), I got most all of my financial addresses changed back..cancelled the turn off of utilities and all my bills repointed to this address after changing to out there... Got Dad's POA address changes put back here, and called the new landlord to explain, the realtor and all the utilities out there to cancel my start orders...

Now that the busy is over... the walls are starting to lean in...3:30..think maybe I should eat something...

Thanks for the kind thoughts and words..."This'ns gonna leave a mark!"   :knothead:    :banghead:
The words "Child" and "terminal illness" should never share the same sentence! Those who care-do, others question!

TGMM Family of the Bow

Sasquatch LB

Offline Ray_G

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2008, 07:52:00 PM »

I know that you know that His is the best way and it will work out ... just not in the way that seemed obvious.  We hate the struggles but are better for it on the other side.  I would wish for an "Easy" button for you, too.

One way to look at it and He already has, is that if this company was willing to do this now, what about if it had been a month after you started?  Talk about deflated with no spare!  At least you have a nest to stay at and can pursue the offers again.  I don't mean to trivialize the situation  but it is so.

I will keep you in prayer and hope that all gets well, soon.  For Jack, too.

Sunset Hill 64" 54# @ 26"  "Destiny"


Offline BenBow

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2008, 08:07:00 PM »
$##$%#^$##@%^*(%*)( Dave this sucks! Prayers for restoration and a miracle.
But his bow will remain steady, and his hands will be skillful; because of the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob, because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,  (Genesis 49:24 [NETfree])

Offline Doc Nock

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2008, 08:08:00 PM »

Good points one and all. I've not had a bad day..just incredulous one!

Nip and tuck battle between the reality of it all and knowing that if God brought all this to pass, only to not have it come to conclusion, there is a reason somewhere...maybe one I will never know.

I know C2, others here are in similar fixes...but what a set up!  :)   There is much to be thankful for and I'm working hard to focus on what is instead of what isn't... just a lot of things going on.

Thank you Lord for being with me and providing these good people to help keep me centered.
The words "Child" and "terminal illness" should never share the same sentence! Those who care-do, others question!

TGMM Family of the Bow

Sasquatch LB

Offline Ol' Ephraim

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2008, 09:13:00 PM »
I've read in the Good book, that we will not be tested more that we can endure. Cannot remember where to find it.
 Also the best steel has to be tested or tempered by fire.
 You will endure this and come out with an offer that even you didn't expect.
 Your metal is evident, your reward will come.
Rest when I can, I'll sleep when I'm dead.

Offline Doc Nock

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2008, 09:39:00 PM »
Thanks, Benson and Bernie.

Panic is in the shadows, but I am delighted that I'm not more freaked now than I am. God was so prevelant throughout this process... things happened that were totally amazing.

The fact it was robbed from me in the end, doesn't change that. I'm trying to hang on and believe that God continues to "drive the bus."

I'm scared. Big time. So many big issues that come into light today...turning down cobra insurance for theirs..only to now not have either... stuff like that.

But nothing God can't handle if He so chooses and finds me worthy.  Gotta keep steppin in faith.

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm sure the "bouts with doubts" will only increase in coming days and thanks for continued prayers for me, C2 and so many others facing so many challenges.
The words "Child" and "terminal illness" should never share the same sentence! Those who care-do, others question!

TGMM Family of the Bow

Sasquatch LB

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2008, 12:37:00 AM »

Prayers continues for you!

Is there someone you could contact to explain the situation and see if you can change your mind on the cobra insurance?

Ya know timing is everything and the Good Lord is just making sure you are still available for that great opportunity he has coming along for you.

"But, the bestest doctor of all is God!"  Katie Jones (7 years old)

Offline AnointedArcher

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2008, 07:40:00 AM »
Doc - I just don't know what to say except hang in there and know we all love you and we won't let you go hungry. My prayers are for your strength,endurance, grace, wisdom, discerment and power!
John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Offline Doc Nock

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2008, 07:56:00 AM »
Thanks,Jeff and Chip.

I'm better off in many ways than some here with similar problems.

I sure appreciate the prayers from so many..notes, etc. I can use prayers for a job, sure nuff, but the ones for me to remain walking in faith are those I ask most intensely.  

God was so present in all this with this job. It makes this turn around all the more confusing, but there are indeed things for which to be grateful, such as gratitude I'd not already moved in, unpacked, settled in and then---BOOM!

There is still much that is going to be brutal in what they've already done, the reimbursement is tax deductible or something, so that I'm going to have repercussions beyond those easily known. But God is indeed in charge.  The temptation is to focus on the woes and a line from "Purpose Driven Life" Daily Devotional spoke to that for me today directly:

"The first mistake most people make during change is to focus on what they’ve lost, instead of what has been gained – and that creates fear. The antidote to fear is love: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear ….” (1 John 4:18 NKJ)"

So there'd be my most ferverent prayer need... focus on what I've gained and not what is lost.

Chip, Cobra is govt. driven, has a separate "administrator"  company that just adds costs and--- nope... no way to go back and bend the rules cause someone else was less than well-timed in their decision making.

Thanks to all for prayers and support..remember others like C2 who are similarly struggling, too.
The words "Child" and "terminal illness" should never share the same sentence! Those who care-do, others question!

TGMM Family of the Bow

Sasquatch LB

Offline BenBow

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2008, 10:08:00 AM »
Right after reading you post Doc this is what I read in my morning time with God. Think it's helpful for all of us. This is from    Our utmost for His highest  

  Going Through Spiritual Confusion
There are times in your spiritual life when there is confusion, and the way out of it is not simply to say that you should not be confused. It is not a matter of right and wrong, but a matter of God taking you through a way that you temporarily do not understand. And it is only by going through the spiritual confusion that you will come to the understanding of what God wants for you.

  The Shrouding of His Friendship  
Luke 11:5  And Jesus said to his disciples, "Suppose one of you should go to a friend's house at midnight and say, 'Friend, let me borrow three loaves of bread.
Luke 11:6  A friend of mine who is on a trip has just come to my house, and I don't have any food for him!'
Luke 11:7  And suppose your friend should answer from inside, 'Don't bother me! The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can't get up and give you anything.'
Luke 11:8  Well, what then? I tell you that even if he will not get up and give you the bread because you are his friend, yet he will get up and give you everything you need because you are not ashamed to keep on asking.
Luke 11:9  And so I say to you: Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.  
Jesus gave the illustration here of a man who appears not to care for his friend. He was saying, in effect, that is how the heavenly Father will appear to you at times. You will think that He is an unkind friend, but remember? He is not. The time will come when everything will be explained. There seems to be a cloud on the friendship of the heart, and often even love itself has to wait in pain and tears for the blessing of fuller fellowship and oneness. When God appears to be completely shrouded, will you hang on with confidence in Him?

  The Shadow on His Fatherhood  
Luke 11:11  Would any of you who are fathers give your son a snake when he asks for fish?
Luke 11:12  Or would you give him a scorpion when he asks for an egg?
Luke 11:13  As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
Jesus said that there are times when your Father will appear as if He were an unnatural father?as if He were callous and indifferent— but remember, He is not. "Everyone who asks receives . . ."    
Luke 11:10  For those who ask will receive, and those who seek will find, and the door will be opened to anyone who knocks.
If all you see is a shadow on the face of the Father right now, hang on to the fact that He will ultimately give you clear understanding and will fully justify Himself in everything that He has allowed into your life.

  The Strangeness of His Faithfulness  

Luke 18:1  Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to teach them that they should always pray and never become discouraged.
Luke 18:2  "In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected people.
Luke 18:3  And there was a widow in that same town who kept coming to him and pleading for her rights, saying, 'Help me against my opponent!'
Luke 18:4  For a long time the judge refused to act, but at last he said to himself, 'Even though I don't fear God or respect people,
Luke 18:5  yet because of all the trouble this widow is giving me, I will see to it that she gets her rights. If I don't, she will keep on coming and finally wear me out!' "
Luke 18:6  And the Lord continued, "Listen to what that corrupt judge said.
Luke 18:7  Now, will God not judge in favor of his own people who cry to him day and night for help? Will he be slow to help them?
Luke 18:8  I tell you, he will judge in their favor and do it quickly. But will the Son of Man find faith on earth when he comes?"
"When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" Will He find the kind of faith that counts on Him in spite of the confusion? Stand firm in faith, believing that what Jesus said is true, although in the meantime you do not understand what God is doing. He has bigger issues at stake than the particular things you are asking of Him right now.
But his bow will remain steady, and his hands will be skillful; because of the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob, because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,  (Genesis 49:24 [NETfree])

Offline possumtrot

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2008, 02:24:00 PM »
 I will be praying for you in this time of struggle. But in the mean time was there anything (agreements) signed as to the extent of the employment, ect? I have learned alot in the last year about changing jobs and this is a big one. I would also save all of the receits on everything that has been spent in relation to the job. It should be allowed to be used on your taxes.I know it might not be much now but might come in handy later. There are times when we need someone from the outside to keep us from making decisions from pure emotions instead of clearly thinking things through.
We need to be prayerful about all things but also remember that even the Apostle Paul appealed to the Roman Government when his rights as a citizen were in jepordy. God is faithful. He is good. Let us trust in His lovingkindness..

Offline Ray

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2008, 08:16:00 PM »
Doc,prayers sent -wishing you peace,thanks Ray.

Offline Doc Nock

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2008, 11:38:00 PM »

You took some time typing all that out son... and I thank you. I read it earlier and just let it sit and sink in.  Like Job, there are times when Satan just attacks because he can... this might be one of those times.

God was so present throughout this process... I can't allow myself to start questioning now.

The "why?" doesn't matter...only the "what now?"

I have an offer letter...No contract, per se... and the relocation communications. I'm anticipating a "letter" from the upline director who called me from corporate that is to outline how they're going to "make me whole" again and reimburse me for losses.

I've been advised to consider a lawyer...but not sure that fits the WWJD profile...

Be nice to know if there are precedence in this, just to guide a pointed letter to them to suggest what I'd like that is considered reasonable when I've lost COBRA insurance opportunity, am exposed without any coverage and have lost 4+ weeks of job search due to this tom foolery.

But... this week was taking care of getting my apartment back under me, undoing all the address changes, utility cancellations reversed, notifying the landlord out there of the situation, the realtor who set it up, and the utilities there...that was a tough and long day yesterday.

Today, I took my 86 year old Dad to visit cousins in a town 40 miles North of here. That got my mind off things...

thanks for all the insights, advice and prayers from everyone!

I'm doing a lot better than I have a right to be under the circumstances, and that has to be the continuing Hand of God on things...
The words "Child" and "terminal illness" should never share the same sentence! Those who care-do, others question!

TGMM Family of the Bow

Sasquatch LB


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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2008, 10:36:00 AM »
TGMM Family of the Bow; Make every heartbeat a party, the next one is not guaranteed!

Offline Froggy

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2008, 09:13:00 PM »
Prayers sent for you and your family..... Froggy
TGMM  >>>>---------> Family of the bow

Offline Danny Rowan

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Re: Total Panic---Need prayers...again :(
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2008, 07:31:00 AM »
Prayers up Doc. Hang in there He will provide.

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