I don't feel like a failure, just unworthy, you see the way I see it, I deserve hell, but it's only by the grace and mercy afforded me through the blood shed on calvary that I am "redeemed" don't take me for defeated, just OVERHUMBLED (lol) I have alway been self sufficient, and God is kicking out my stilts. I am in the process of learning to "sit", In the book of Eph, there is 3 concepts SIT..STAND...WALK,(along with many spiritual warefare enlightnings) I am learning to sit right now, that is my position "in Christ" meaning that I cannot walk or stand before I realize....not who I am or what God has done,,,,, but rather WHO HE IS, glory to God, Then I can learn the other 2 and I think I have gotten this figured out at times and then He will bring it all back around, just at a deeper level, I am not defeated, please allow me to Give Him all the priase honor and glory thet Only He is worthy to recieve, Job talks about the Lord giving and the Lord taking away......"Blesssed be the name of the Lord" I am blessed beyond all measure. I appreciate all eveything everybody has done for us,(and esp my Heavenly Father) it is just a learning curve, I have always been the one able to do the giving, and became quite comfortable in that concept, not that I am elevating myself by saying that, I am just having to learn to nestle and not wrestle. Not that God hasn't given over and above what I can ever hope to give, after all He gave His one and only Son..... and I in NO way am saying that I am even TRYING to understand that concept, I am just being yanked from my comfort zone, and I find I grow the best when I rest in faith that He has something better He wants to give me when He empties my hands of what I have been "comfortably" holding onto.
Please continue to pray, and I will continue to PRAISE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!