you cannot even think of going hunting until you acknowledge these other thoughts and stresses and deal with them thoroughly. stress and racing thoughts, for me, a self-employed businessman, always came from unfinished business with tax bills. And, the more I procrastinated, the more anxious and depressed I became. Result, I would go in the woods, and come out only 2 hours later pissed off because I didn't see any deer. I didn't see any because I was moving too much from being too anxious from being too depressed, and that made me even more depressed. Do you see the catch 22 illness here? that is, in plain English, being a "Whack Job". Deal with your sh... ASAP. ONLY THEN WILL YOU BE HAPPY, RELAXED, AND HAVE SOME SUCCESS IN THE WOODS. PEACE, AND MY PRAYERS, BRO'