Not sure what you need, or seek, brother.
Prayers for discernment.
Knowing what to do in situations is the hardest thing I've learned often confront us as a Christian. When is Grace an enabler, coming from us mortals and when is it Christ shinning through?
Prayers for peace and strength.
I read recently on the 40 Days of Purpose website in a daily devotional, that financial worry is a type of atheism...not trusting in God fully. That seems a bit harsh but perhaps only because I worry about income as well as most today.
AS for your daughter's behaviors, do you really think that she lived with this "worthless thief and drug addict boyfriend" and didn't end up using drugs at least recreationally? ALL Users have to get everyone around them hooked so they don't feel alone...
Depending on the drugs that may or may not have been involved, individuals loose their ability to avoid errant behaviors and will do anything to get a fix. Crack cocaine is one. From what I read, just ONE TIME cause biological dependency!
That right there terrifies me for everyone even remotely associated with drugs and their experimental use!
If drugs are involved, only she and Christ might be able to help unless she hits bottom hard enough to put herself into some professional rehab.
I doubt whatever is driving her has any logic behind it. What hurts the most is to watch good people like yourselves agonize in a logical internal debate about someone acting irrational and if drugs are involved, she will remain irrational in her illogical state until they are out of her system.
Double bind. Sorry for not shedding more hope. Only Christ can heal in some of these situations.
KNowing when to "let Go, Let God" is so critical in a time like this. He is OUR father. Go to Him and seek HIS wise counsel. Divorce yourself (best you can) from the emotions of seeing a child go astray, and ask Him to show you, regardless of the outcome, what His Will is in dealing with your daughter.
It sounds, from my comfortable safe distance, that you're love as a parent is throwing up some roadblocks and giving you false hope and also causing your extra pain by using a rational standard to judge someone's behavior who is obviously been living irrationally for some time.
PRayers for a financial short-term solution to come to you directly! May God grant His grace and peace on you and your wife as you debate this difficult situation.
Keep the Son in your eyes!