Thanks, folks...
They confirmed that indeed, it was a stroke. Things aren't looking good. :(
Yesterday, he sang 'happy birthday' to me and got the tune right, all the words and even struggled HARD to feed himself since being right handed and his right side seems to be the most effectedd, it was a hard chore.
Today, he can hardly wake up, speech is really bad, drooling out the right side and is loosing motor control to sit up on that right side...
Oh, man...this is harder than the blood and guts part of terminal illness... jeeze. :( This is tearing me up.
Doc says that next few days will be see if he's having "flash TIA (mini) strokes compounding one another or if it's the in and out of a normal stroke till it settles and sees what damage has been done...
If he can't have any independence, knowing him as I do, he'd rather just the Lord take him home than slouch around strapped to a bed till he dies.
Lord in your mercy, give me strength to want Your WILL and bring Dad peace.