I will take a wild shot in the dark, Chip, and say I read that all understand and many of us who replied struggle with the same battle you do...fearing you miss God's will for our/your own willfulness.
What I read and feel myself, is that when God wants us, He will find us and use all at his infinite disposal to put us on the right path, because He knows our heart better'n we do.
I so want to do His will, as you, but get all tangled up in daily survival and the idiotic German culture I grew up in that promoted the un-biblical "The most likely place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm!", or the other great lie, "God helps him who helps himself".
Took 59 years to realize that was all bull! Taking more years to un-learn those tough ideas and truly try to surrender. Not there by a long shot, but I keep praying that soon, He will help me see my destiny and give me strength to step out into the raging waters without fear or thought.
God will provide. Yes! But he offers even more bounty than we can imagine, but the surrender and willingness to endure some suffering, doubt, etc. is such a challenge, that I often loose hope and feel I must have made the wrong choices when things go sour.
I think that is what fear you shared. Fear is it's own task-master!