I have easily done this with armadillos for some reason. They can't deal with camo at all and are slow to start with, but man are they attracted to me. At least 3 times armadillos have come right across me while hunting in full camo as if I wasn't there. Squirrels have a thing for me while I'm sitting in a treestand in full camo too. This year while in a ground blind I had quail, and mice scampering across my feet practically every morning. That was cool.
The best coup was a "reach out and touch someone situation" as I called it. I was hunting a Central Texas lease belonging to my Dad's buddy. I learned to hunt there pretty much, starting when I was about 12-13 back in the early/mid 80s. I wanted a big buck, after shooting two average ones, the fever had me and I was ready to be selective. Of course I saw nothing on this trip, the weather was too warm, etc. and it's my final morning to hunt, and they put me in some POS ground box blind, so I was a bit po'd. I'm in the stand 3 minutes and a buch of cows show up! I didn't want those cows to spoil my hunt and waited them out. All but 2-3 moved on. I tried everything I could to get them to move without getting out of the blind and spooking the area. Finally I couldn't take it anymore.
I stepped out, picked up a rock, and chunked it in a Hail Mary, very high arc towards the cows and the feeder. It was a good 50 yds away at least. The rock smacked the lead cow DIRECTLY DEAD CENTER BETWEEN THE EYES. They hauled ass 'outta there and I coincidentally shot the biggest whitetail I have seen at that place maybe an hour later.
Coup counted.