Grapes, when they are little bitty girls, they send them to special classes to learn how to complain about men's hobbies, so take heart, you are just another married deer hunter living in our "natural environment" - the dog house.
The good wives learn to deal with it and even to accept it to some degree, and a few, or at least I have heard it rumored, will even encourage it. Now that statement is pure hearsay, though. I don't know about other wives, because mine is very good about my hunting. (I just hope she never really tallies up just how much I spend on it.) Her standard comment is, "Don't bring anything home".
Sometimes I think the complaining is just them playing a role, because throughout the years, no matter the complaints or odd comments I have heard, a lot of neat hunting items at birthday and Christmas have come my way.
As I get older, however, she treats me more like a little kid. She wants to know which stand I will be in, and she wants me to hunt more from the ground ,as she is afraid I will fall out of the tree. That one may be a valid concern. She wants me to always be sure my cell phone is handy so when I do fall out of the tree, I can call for help. Being a little bit unknowing about wildlife, she wants me to carry my pistol when bowhunting, because we have seen a number of coyotes and bobcats on our land. Also, she has seen me shoot the bow enough that she doesn't think the bow is sufficient when the howling pack attacks. I actually was once treed by a couple of big Rottweilers. Lastly, since I stepped on a copperhead last year, she is adamant that I wear snake boots.
So despite the complaints I sometimes get, all in all, I must admit that my wife is a good sport about my hunting. The only real downside is that her wry comments about my lack of productivity often rival any zingers the deer camp guys can send my way.