amar911, thanks and I will be thinking of you and lifting you up in prayer tonight and tomorrow. I did a very extensive knee scope two years ago right about now. It took a lot longer to get going than most because of all the torn up stuff in there and bone work to clean everything up, but I have to say it is much improved now. I am glad I did it.
Big Ed, I hope your are doing well and on the way to healing up that hand! Another prayer on the way for you and yours.
Well things are falling into place. My cold is clearing up and in two more days I should be in good shape. Things are getting done and not much left to do now. Yesterday was my birthday, and today we did a birthdays for four of use with them in December and Christmas family get together so I will not miss anything the rest of 2010.
Tomorrow I finish up some work, do the office Christmas party and get the final fit on my brace. I am still calm about it, but I am sure tomorrow I will start to get a little nervous.
I got a call from one of my old friends and collage room mates last night. He called to tell me the father of my best friend from collage had died. It was very sad news more so because of the way he lived the end of his life. He drank himself to death from the sounds of it and went into the hospital three days after his wife got home from the hospital after triple bypass. A group of us spent a lot of time on weekends at my best friend's families place when we were in school so I know the whole family well. My good friend's family is hurting a lot right now. Visitations are Monday and Tuesday with the funeral on Wednesday. They are on the other side of the state and farther than I can possibly travel tomorrow to try and get there and back. I so wish I could be there. Both these friends dropped everything and were here for me when my mother was killed 13 years ago. We did get a chance to talk some today and catch up a little. We plan to talk more in a couple weeks when things settle down some for both of us.
My friend who called also has had some hard times. We talked until 1 am. Work is hit an miss for him now. He had a hart attack a couple years ago at 47. He is raising his son and his x-wife's daughter while also trying to help out his x-wife, who is a recovered alcoholic, but has major heath issues. We agreed to stay in touch and talk more in a week or so when I am settled a little.
Both my friends are unsaved to the best of my knowledge and living the old life I did when we were close friends. Please lift them up in prayer and also pray that I will have the words to share with them in the future.
As difficult as it was to hear of all the sorrows in these two friends lives, it was uplifting at the same time when I though of what Christ has saved me from, and took me out of staring 13 years ago. Life is not easy for any of us, and I have had my share, but I am so blessed in so many ways.