Thanks, guys!
Seems almost petty to come here about a miserable virus given the seriousness of the many requests, but I was at wits-end. (some might say that isn't a road long traveled in my case) :eek:
things continued as described in my quiet desperation yesterday after lunch time. In desperation, I even stopped eating saltines or jello. :(
BEfore bed last night, I doubled on the immodium pills at 8 and kept the hourly trots till midnight.
things got slowly better over night. This am, things have been "quiet".
I kept looking over my shoulder, afraid to even drink, for fear of more viral retribution, till I came here and all of a sudden, my (facial)cheeks reddened.
Here I almost forgot I posted in dispair yesterday and I should have known all you troopers are out there yesterday and on a Sunday since early AM praying on my behalf.
I'm hoping this is a permanent uphill swing. I feel weak as a newborn kitten, but grateful beyond belief to have been retired from the procelan rodeo! It would be amazing to be able to get back to work tomorrow.
Praise God for small favors and for prayer warriors.
I'm in your debt and filled with gratitude. Empty of everything else, but filled with gratitude!
WARNING: Whatever this is, if it hits your area, be careful and be vigilant. This intestinal 'flu' stuff is wild this year! Never seen anything last like this! :(
thank you Jesus and my Gang friends.