Thanks for the continued prayers
After 3 solid weeks of rice,noodles, broth and jello, I learned the "cultures" they did of my innards is "gremlin free" and this weekend, I ate SOLID FOOD!
Amazing how small things we take forgranted can be so revealing when denied!
I was never so blessed as to eat a baked tater and some grilled chicken breast! Then, Sunday, a store-bought, frozen misery pizza...but it was Pizza!
Figured if there was no uglies growing, it was time to take back ownership of my lower GI system!
Joyous to report that all systems are working properly and I actually have some energy and strength after 4 days or real food!
BTW, Chocolate is wonderful...
Prayers for anyone hit with that intestinal rot that "Isn't" the 24 hour version.
Thanks for the prayers...on to the next person in need.